Give Him Glory!!!
"In my deepest wounds I saw your glory & it astounded me."-St Augustine
The glory of God is in every smile, every mountain, every mass, and we ourselves show the glory of God just by being made in the image and likeness of Him. Our actions have the potential to glorify the living God. Everything good can show His unending glory. We can find His glory in our wounds as saint Augustine experienced, His glory is shown in the simplest or most complex ways imaginable. Bottom line is that Our good and merciful Lord is and will be Glory forever! As Human beings with soul and body we can show His glory through our love for one another or in the way we even do dishes. We were created to portray the Father’s glory in our daily lives. Just think and contemplate the intensity and splendor of His love!
Now is mercy!
(really take a few seconds and think about this it will blow you away),
Think about His purity!
After that think about every beautiful thing you have seen in a person or in nature!
Finally think about all of these things together!!!!
That my sisters is His Glory . If we ponder His glory daily won’t that action in and of itself give glory to God? His glory is everywhere recognize it and treasure it, be mystified by it and show it though your own actions! His passion and resurrection which saved us all is what glorifies Him most. How lucky are we that our God can be Glorified even by death, then overcome death and be glorified by His conquering of evil! We truly are a blessed people!
Gloria in Excelsis Deo ( Gory to God In the Highest!)