A Dangerous World
Updated: Dec 3, 2018
I think we've probably all asked ourselves why we live in a world that is so messed up. So full of hatred and suffering. So devoid of moral sense. Also you wonder why God couldn't have just made a perfect world where these things never happen. Why couldn't He have just made a world full of peace, harmony, and love. And the you start to think....wait if God really loves me why would he ever make me live in this world. And then you start to doubt. We start to doubt that God loved us and that He really cares. Because if He cared he wouldn't do this right? Nope. Not true. So I want to give some points on that First off, this world is so messed up...but not because of God but because of us. Let's go back to when God created Adam and Eve. He gave them everything. He gave them what whatever they needed. They knew whatever they needed to without learning. They never got sick. It was perfect and beautiful. But He also gave us free will. Because without free will we could not truly love God because we wouldn't have a choice whether or not to follow Him. But then we messed it up. They abused their free will and used it to do wrong, plunging the human race into a world full of sin and suffering. So God didn't create the world like this. It's like this because of what humans used their free will to do. Then you think...why on earth did Adam and Eve have to go mess everything up for us? But really, that mistake would have been made sooner or later by anyone because we are flawed and imperfect. Second, when in peace people tend to not be really grateful. Now I know y'all will probably not agree at first but look at your life. When things are going perfectly in life you tend to forget to pray. And I want you to pause and think. When things are peaceful and your happy you tend to say oh thanks God mmmaaayyybbbeee what? Once a week? Once a month? Something like that. But as soon as we're in a bad situation because of the world we're in we start to pray and to blame God. You don't thank God in peace but when something goes wrong you expect Him to just help you out. We have to learn to rely on Him as much in peace as we do in danger. Now of course there are people who do rely on Him in peace as much as they do in danger but I don't think that's the majority of people. Third, God is all loving but He is also all just and all wise. He will always love you unconditionally. But what is justice? Well in any good justice system the people who commit crimes have to pay for their mistakes. Therefore when people mess the world up they have to pay for what they did. And it's really hard because when good people don't do things wrong they still have to live in the world that is paying for its mistakes. But God is also all merciful and He will fix it all in time. Next He is ALL WISE and He loves us. He would never make this happen if it wasn't for some greater good that we can't, and may never will see until we die. So next time we want to blame God for the problems in the world just remember those three things. -Kateri