First impressions.
First impressions is what relationships are built on, when you first meet some one SMILE! It is the easiest way to create a positive interaction. Try to find common ground! you cant find common ground if all you talk about is you! so ask them about them selves, everyone has a family, goes to a school, and does extra curricular activities! So ask about what they are interested in and relate to what they tell you. Also don't just stick with your BFFs, make knew acquaintances (notice how I said acquaintance not Bff)! The most important thing (something I am still working on!) is showing the LOVE of Christ through your tone, through your body language, and through your conversation. We are instruments of Christ and he made us to love others more than our selves! Now this is the hardest one... don't judge some one based off of their appearances, get to know the as a person before any judging occurs. Something that helps with this is remembering that they were created by God and were given a unique soul just like you. So let our first impressions be full of love, and let lasting impressions be full of love as well.
p.s. The greatest saints loved everyone and saw Jesus in each person